Boat and port moorings sales company in Palma de Mallorca

Who we are


At Vyachts, we love the sea and all that offers. We are convinced that it is possible to enjoy its beauty with responsibility.
Our life motive is the preservation of the oceans; the concern for the marine life is our commitment.

This is the reason why we actively collaborate with different associations involved with the conservation and protection of the seas and oceans, as well as in the awareness and education of our fellow citizens on the respect for marine species and ocean life.


Boat Registration — Changes of ownership — Close Registration

Matriculation taxes — Exports — Imports — Spanish Maritime Registry, ADAC, SSR, Belgian and Dutch registration

Arrangement of expert survey — Custom procedures — Yacht insurance — Marine Finance


Sale of yachts and berths in Mallorca are our main specialty. Our experience and knowledge of the Balearic Islands, together with our professionalism, are your guarantee.

If you are an owner wanting to sell or looking for a yacht or berth to buy, you will find in Vyachts, the best partner to rely on. We are your choice!!